The Stories When it comes down to it, AFHA is about making a postive impact on the lives of everyone involved. Here are a few examples of how families can be enriched by becoming Family Home Providers.

I Make Pretty

Debbie didn’t speak when she came to live with us. Smiles, nods, head shakes and hand gestures were all she needed to communicate in the institution she came from. We didn’t expect anything more and she seemed happy.

Last November, my girlfriends came over for our annual Christmas crafts day. Debbie joined in. We were amazed at how quick she picked it up. Her excitement was inspiring. My husband Bill was in the living room watching football. Debbie took one of her ornaments to show him and said, “I make pretty.” Everybody stopped for a moment. Then Bill said, “Yep, you sure did.”

Now Debbie is a scrapbooker. She keeps her room full of crafts materials, has mastered the glue gun and still only speaks three words. I make pretty. I have a feeling it’s a mission statement.